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Chapter 8: A Systematic Approach to User Interface Design for a Hypertext Framework0

Sections contained in this chapter:
  1. Abstract
  2. Introduction
  3. Principles of User Interface Design
  4. User Interface Design Guidelines
    1. Identify metaphor
    2. Identify objects
    3. Identify actions
      1. Generic Actions
      2. Explicit Actions
      3. Control Functions
    4. Identify modifiers
    5. Identify strategic choices
    6. Identify lateral classifications
    7. Identify formats
    8. Identify lists
    9. Identify reactive choices
    10. Identify shared processes
    11. Identify interaction states
    12. Identify help
    13. Identify error conditions
    14. Identify screen layout
  5. Discussion
  6. Conclusion

0 This chapter is based on a paper submitted to Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems ‘93. An abstract of this chapter has also been accepted as a poster for Hypertext ‘93.